In room
  1. 1

    Three medics create an uber-triangle.

  2. 2
    Doodle or Die
  3. 3

    Medic has cloned himself

  4. 4
    Doodle or Die
  5. 5

    Medic has successfully cloned himself! There are three medic clones waiting in a line. Medic, give them some clothes already!

  6. 6
    Doodle or Die
  7. 7

    medic made clones but they are naKED

  8. 8
    Doodle or Die
  9. 9

    Medic finally successfully cloned himself but forgot to order extra lab coats from Mann Co so now he is surrounded by many very naked clones

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
  11. 11

    medic made a bunch of clones of himself, but he dosnt have enough clothing for all of them,so theyre revolting. medic-0 (The Original) sighs

  12. 12
    Doodle or Die
  13. 13

    medic made clones of himself but forgot to give them clothes because he's an idiot

  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15

    Medic forgot to buy clothes for his clones, Now its quite...interesting.

  16. 16
  17. 17

    Shirtless Scout Search and Smash Squad

  18. 18
    Ghost Player

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 7 years ago


  • LittleA2001   8 years ago
    too many naked medic? <br />bullsh'!!!
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    This has gone from the cute little chain to the mega-fan service chain very quickly (Thanks Pancakes!)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    I'd be lying if I said that wasn't hot though... *sweats nervously*
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    pff. casually, i have to admit that i have this idea of you being at least a bit younger than i am (even though i don't know your age.) it just seems like youre young - a mix of your personality/drawings/how i interpret you, i guess. Anyways, your comments made me laugh a bit , i just found the way u said it pretty funny. like this -&gt; ("....i'd be lying if i said that wasnt hot, though...... ***Sweats***")
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    I turn 16 in about 2 weeks, so I dunno how that changes your perception of me
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    And yeah that's exactly how I meant cause Medic has been my dumb fictional crush for about a year now (glad to hear I made you laugh :D )
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Stranger danger! You've revealed personal information (your age) on the INTERWEBS and now i will be able to find you and doodle all over your walls (not really). if you want me to, i can give my age in return (is no big secret - i'm pretty sure i've said it in a couple of chains already). It doesn't change my perception of you (you're still good ol casually in my eyes), all it really does is remind me of how i was at the beginning of high school. 13-15... (shudder. lol) You're growin up, just like the everyone is. [: happy early birthday! i'm not sure i'll be able to remember that your birthday is a few weeks from now, but well wishes [:
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    woah! fictional crush for over a year. 0_o and chatting with people or reading comments on dod is usually a highlight of my days (ignoring however sad that may sound if you read it wrong xD
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    PS, sorry if my comments ever seem to run on/be disjointed, i can't always vouch for my state of mind/amount of sleep i've had when commenting. and PPS, my perception of you is that you're very nice and friendly, but probably need to build self-confidence and whatnot (i say that based off of messages youve sent in the past)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Oh no, yet another chain has fallen prey to the Churu/causally wombo combo! Everybody hide your notifications! No but seriously thanks for the birthday wishes (I already have a chain prompt in mind for it) and honestly I don't really care about age. I mean you can tell me if you want, but I already pretty much figured everyone is older than me already (except Nyan of course)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    I'm glad being friendly is the impression I gave you, but believe me, my head is quite large enough. Honestly I know like five things about you, and that's that you're chatty, older, you love medic, you're a bit of a weeb, and you have green eyes. And that's churu. But it doesn't really matter of course, like you said, unless we get some expert hacker/stalker on this website what are we gonna do, scribble?
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Also yeah I like medic (a lot) but honestly mostly because of his character design. I doodled a tiny BLU Med on my left hand every day for six months and I have an awesome RED Med cosplay for Halloween. My friend even made me a little sticker of one I drew of him riding a horse as a goodbye present, and I still have it on my phone, so its more about what it symbolizes to me
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Finally, your comments are fine! I hate to admit it, but finding comments on chains is always exciting, mostly because I can always rely on the lovely members of this wonderful little community to make me smile. Sorry that you're tired, but it was sure nice reading what you had to say (I can't speak for everyone on that one though :p ) Who knows, maybe 5 years from now some random doodley stalker will use my age to find my house and kill me, but honestly, I'm not too worried
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    Yeah I like reading people's comments as well. Happy almost birthday! You're a Virgo like me!
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    heads can usually stand to be larger (with a few exceptions, i guess there IS a limit). my eyes are.. "green", yes . at least, that's what i like to call them, lol. they would be a very dull steel blue if i didnt have central heterochromia (so you don't have to google the meaning, here is a simplified description: theres a ring of different color around the pupil of the eye. it's apparently a dominant genetic trait, and surprisingly common?.) And i personally wouldn't call myself a weeb - having watched a bit of anime and listened to japanese songs =/= weeb imo, but to some people anyone who watches anime is just a weeb (not accusing you of anything, just saying) i really haven't watched an episode of anime in months and months now (self-rant and useless facts, oops?)
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    Geez, casually, you are NUTS about medic. absolutely bananas. The only thing you need now is a medic body pillow (with RED med on one side and BLU on the flipside)
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    And hello, fang (:
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    happy near birthday casually! btw my birthday was a month ago, im turned 16 just like you!
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    ...eeh is it ok what my fictional crush is like 2 years old? the way u talk about it just makes me doubt
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    happy belated birthday, goop (:
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    1. fictional crush (love or love-like feelings for a fictional character, i.e. medic) 2. two years old (not time as age, but time as duration for an event - the crush, it has lasted two years now)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    You know... Refinery 21 makes artwork on little decorative pillows... You might be on to something (I'm kidding lol) Also that bit about your eyes is actually pretty cool, I never knew about that (the more you know...)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    And thanks Goop! Happy birthday to you too!
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Like Churu said, I do not have a crush on a two-year-old. I have had a crush on Medic for years. Not the same thing.
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    lol. definitely not the same thing.. Just thinking about 2-year old medic is strange
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    And, well, if you ever DO get a medic bodypillow, post a link to a pic of it here on dod in the comments so we can see the incredible thing . hah
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    goop, if i misunderstood what you were trying to say, im sorry
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  • IhaveNoideaReally   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Oh, how I love this chat section...the only way we can truly connect. I wonder why we are able to tell the ages of members. [Also, I didn't have high hopes for this chain until now]
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    hahh yeaah.. whateverr. i hate times or however you call it. and thanks. i like this comment section too!
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    I can't actually buy it cause it's BloodyArchimedes's art and that's mega illegal, but if you hit preview you can see it in all of it's stolen glory
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    A tiny medic on a tiny pillow, how cute!
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    oh, hey! i've seen this art before! very good [: but stolen is bad ]:
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Don't worry this is just an example, I would never steal from anyone, especially an artist that I respect and admire (but still having a tiny Medic to cuddle would be nice)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Actually, now that I think about it, the mun of ask-blumedic made this little beauty a while ago: (not that I would actually buy it)
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