In room
  1. 1
  2. 2

    woop woop

  3. 3
  4. 4

    Demo and Scout goes WOOP WOOP

  5. 5
  6. 6

    Demoman and Scout dancing to dubstep

  7. 7
    Doodle or Die
  8. 8

    Scout and Demo jamming to Darude - Sandstorm

  9. 9
    Doodle or Die
  10. 10

    Scout and Demo have fun in the comment section on TFTube. Heavy just wants to know what the song is. Darude Sandstorm plays.

  11. 11
    Doodle or Die
  12. 12


    Chain Breaker
  13. 13
    Doodle or Die
  14. 14

    BLU medic getting high from his own Medigun

  15. 15
    Doodle or Die
  16. 16

    Medic's too busy getting high off his Kritzkrieg to be of any help to the team

  17. 17
  18. 18

    *Demo has died* Medic looks at his corpse.

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 8 years ago


  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    You know, in all the time I knew about Tf2, I have never once questioned what his medigun beam smells like. now I really want to know.
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    what do you imagine it smells like
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Either like that smell of gasoline that gets you a little high, the smell they put in the Stitch ride in Magic Kingdom, or slightly burned melting sugar.
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  • of_wroughts_and_wheat   8 years ago
    I always imagined it smelled like 6 dry erase markers
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  • mincys   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Dude, really strong freaking lavender. I put myself through that smell last night, and I was like, oh my god no. Like, thats what I was thinking when I drew that, but I'm thinkin... Its probably jarate, blood, and whatever is in the medipacks. So, like, disgusting. But I always thought it would smell like really heavy sterilisation.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Well I'm glad we've all thought this through
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    I agree with of_wroughts_and_wheat, some heavy kind of marker smell, maybe. And when it's used on you, you get that bitter metal aftertaste you get when you lick a cold metal spoon.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Yeah, Fang's probably right
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    I bet when you're ubered you get a faint, dull headache in the back of your head and like the world goes slightly fuzzy or something
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  • cartoonistgirl   8 years ago
    I imagined it smelled like ammonia, just something super strong it makes u tear up
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  • wwelcome-to-narnia   8 years ago
    i bet it smells like yeast and piss
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  • LittleA2001   8 years ago
    yes... literal piss and some drugs being burned...
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