duke nukham saying deal with it
He's Douk and he knows it!
Happy guy
Patrick Bateman wearing a purple mask
purple comet with blue tail
Asteroid shooting through spaAce!
shit rocket
a smelly beehive is being attacked by flies while shooting through the air with a trial of flames behind it
bumble bee shot through hoops of fire and wings are burned off.
It is imperative that you attain superlative velocity.
Someone seems disapoint. Oh.
A man resigns himself to a life of poverty
A homeless man claims that the whole world is his home
A homeless holds an illuminating Earth, and emitting Netherlands's flag with crying.
Boy cries as he performs cunnilingus on planet earth
Giant man licking our planet.
Some fucking dude from Katamari licks Earth
The King of the Cosmos licks Earth. Earth seems to like it.
a satellite licking the earth saying me gusta
Satellite orbiting the Earth
bloated gabe newell is finally launched into space, to rid us of his obese existence.
Gordon Freeman takes a supersonic shit that blasts him into orbit.
Gordon Freeman shits his way to space.
man with glasses pooing in space
A man flies through space on a toilet.
man being launched into space on a ring while saying wee
red scribble people invaded earth so this guy went to space.
a spiderman thread on /b/
/b/ ejects webs
Spider Creates a Web!
Grammy spider knits a quilt out of web
Old granny spider, knitting her net.
a spider grandma knits her grandbabies a web
aragog, who is holding chopsticks and has a gray wig on, and his spider army are at their web
A grandmother spider eating rice
spider pie
Spider pie
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!