Zoosmell Pooplord
Mr. Hankey on the weekends.
shit with a santa claus hat
Hanky the christmas poo
Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo Small and brown he comes from you Sit on the toilet here he comes Squeeze him 'tween your festive buns
brown carrot santa is giving out confidence to all the little boys and girls this christmas
Giant french Santa Claus Steak is bringing happiness to all the boys and girls.
eugh hugh hugh, baggot. french santa steak.
French steak asserts its approve
Home stuck character disagrees.
Home stuck
This is your brain on AIDS.
trhyrukinuilkjhgfdsadfghjk <- Every letter is a different color. There's also some happy, orange stick man just standing there.
orange muscle man
Lil' ol' orange squid
worm pretending to be squid
a worm thinking about a wormtopus.
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!