In room
  1. 1

    The tiniest scout you can imagine.

  2. 2
  3. 3

    The tiniest Scout in all of existence, only 5 pixels high.

  4. 4
    Doodle or Die
  5. 5

    Medic has once again hatched another breed of tiny scouts, they still hate him

  6. 6
    Doodle or Die
  7. 7

    Medic has created a group of tiny Scout. One of the Scouts decided to bite the Medic.

  8. 8
    Doodle or Die
  9. 9

    tiny scout bites medic`s hand!

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
  11. 11

    BLU Medic's tiny scout bites his finger.

  12. 12
  13. 13

    tiny scout is biting medic's hand.

  14. 14
  15. 15

    Tiny scout is biting medics hand.

  16. 16
  17. 17

    tiny scout is biting on your thumb!

  18. 18

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 8 years ago


  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Awww it reminds me of Burning Through Space!
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Alright lads I'm going afk for a bit, school starts tomorrow and junior year is supposed to be a real bitch. Don't forget about me, alright?
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    Have a good school year, remember: homework first, play hat fortress 2 afterwards.
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  • Conjo   8 years ago
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    my school year starts in 2 weeks so ya`ll loose
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  • Munchnose   8 years ago
    Is this a competition? I don't go back to university until September. Do I win?
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    me too , we both win
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    No, I win, because I've graduated college and therefore have the longest break.
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  • amethystanime   8 years ago
    fang takes the cake yall
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    my school already started on the 16th and ionly drew this because im procastinating on a 40 page reading (+questions,notes, etc) entirely in german.. so its a mouse drawing. good luck to everyone else going back to school
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    Ich bin noch ein Anfänger, aber "Machen deine Hausaufgaben!" :p
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    Neiinnnn dass wollte ich nicht machn ;;; bitte.. erbarme dich!! ich nehme mein erstes "400 level" Kurs... und auf Deutsch . x_x bin nicht bereit dafür!!! Hah, thanks fang. what level/class are you at? or self-study?
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    Excuse the many errors i probably just made, word endings aren't my strong suit, and my vocabulary isnt strong ( i took an online test and i have the german vocabulary of a 10-year old. wie schade!!)
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    XD I'm sure you'll do well! I'm self study, which is very slow-going. Maybe once I save up enough I can take some actual classes.
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    i'm really debatig dropping the class(my many anxieties, i do NOT want to keep this class if i am going to fail it due to difficulty), but hopefully i will not have to. Self study might be slow but it's cool to be doing that. If you dont already know about Duolingo, it's a good , free language app for beginning learners(i used it and should really get back into the habit). Good luck in your studies; i believe in you! ;D
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    HA! NERDS!
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    learning another language is the first thing i actually enjoyed at school besides art. really wish learning other languages was done sooner in america, but instead, it was recommended that everybody at my school wait until their junior year of high school to start. it's real stupid
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    casuallyvibratingmedic, have you taken any language courses? know more than 1 or 2 languages? just wondering
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    I also wish that US schools introduced other languages sooner. I could be so much better at Spanish if we had started before, like, 11th grade. Kids learn languages easier when they're younger.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Uh... I'm in Spanish 2, but yeah, I only started like a few years ago cause American education sucks balls
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    in russia languages start from the 2 grade lol but it doesnt change anything and no one actually is good at english
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    :0 Wait do you use translate for everything then? Or are you just bilingual?
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    yes but at least when you start early (2nd grade), you get the foundations early on, and starting early makes it easier for you further down the line. i'm just jealous because if i had started in 2nd grade then i wouldve had the time of my life. i really like learning vocabulary/words/languages. i didn't get the chance to start early because US schools suck (as casuallyvibratingmedic said, lol) i love reading (and reading in german is a throwback to how it was when i was an elementary schooler and didn't understand many words)
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    (I'm assuming you're russian here, verynicegoop-) you seem to english just fine lol
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    hey, good morning casually, i think we're in similar time zones
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Yeah, I think you, Fang, and I are all on the same area of the planet
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    But who needs time zones when you don't sleep, eh?
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Anyhoo, I'm off to work now, I've got dogs to wash for the next eight hours. Sorry for spamming comments again!
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    good luck at work!
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    thank u i always thought my english kinda bad for english users... yes time zones suck
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  • LittleA2001   8 years ago
    heh... I know right? the time zones part is kind of succ.
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    honestly its impossible to serf internet without english-its everywhere! so i learned it mostly from there, not school
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    you've learned it very well by yourself then [:
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Yeah, dude, you even use contractions and shit. If I knew another language even half as well as you I'd be happy
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    wow really? big suprise {:^0 many thenks!
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  • Munchnose   8 years ago
    Yeah, dude, your English really is impressive. This coming from a guy who's struggled with other languages most of my life.
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  • MouseandFritz   8 years ago
    Y'all got school and I'm just over here being old as shit. Good luck with school though, rooting for you folks.
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    thanks old man
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