In room
  1. 1

    god! this place seems so dead laterly, or is it just me?

  2. 2
  3. 3

    The mane 6 has been shot dead, only you survive, it's just you.

  4. 4
  5. 5

    Poor little pony saw something awful

  6. 6
  7. 7

    The horrors can not be un seen.

  8. 8
    Doodle or Die
  9. 9

    Scary Pinkie Pie in a dark room!

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
    Ghost Player
  11. 11

    Cupcakes pinkie wrote Life is party with blood on the wall. She then proceeded to bake a birthday cake for twilight while singing smile.

  12. 12
  13. 13

    A voltorb

    Chain Breaker
  14. 14
  15. 15

    Applederp lovez hur applez!

  16. 16
    Doodle or Die
  17. 17

    A derpy applejack loves apples.

  18. 18

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 12 years ago


  • Miva   12 years ago
    I would like to be the first to welcome appledashie to the room. We look forward to many doodles and descriptions from you! :D
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  • appledashie   12 years ago
    Thanks! I recently got back into drawing, and I used to come on sites like this and draw with my mouse,but I just got a tablet and decided to come back here to practice my drawing :D
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  • Miva   12 years ago (edited: 12 years ago)
    That's exactly what I'm doing! I'm starting art school in the fall so I thought this would be great practice!
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  • appledashie   12 years ago (edited: 12 years ago)
    Cool! I usually don't post my art anywhere because I'm obviously not that great, and I'm afraid of negative criticism. But then I remembered that these were bronies and that bronies are usually friendly :P<br />I do wish that they would give us better colors for ponies, though. AJ just looks weird in that color scheme...
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  • Miva   12 years ago
    I know, right.... We used to have all sorts of colors but then as the popularity for the site grew, they started charging. Oh well....
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  • heliotropeEcholocation   12 years ago
    You can download a thing off of reddit for an expanded pallette<br />
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  • appledashie   12 years ago
    Yeah, last night I found a palette mod. Hopefully when I'm less tired I'll get to try it out.
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  • Miva   12 years ago (edited: 12 years ago)
    Where can you find it!?! Link?
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  • appledashie   12 years ago
    You need Greasemonkey if you use Firefox, or Tampermonkey if you use Chrome. Then, go to and search for doodle or die, and pick one you like. I use "doodlehelper extra".
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  • Miva   12 years ago
    Thank you, this realy helps! (Even though my Dad is doing it for me....) :D
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