A giant snail is battling a giant jellyfish in Tokyo.
Jellyfish shoots its nettles at a Snail
A furious jellyfish bitchslaps his tentative snail friend.
A Jellyfish is tired of his arthropod companion's antics.
A jellyfish telling everyone to "Just shut it, dude."
A jellyfish tells the five little goldfish to shut it, dude.
bully goldfish intimidate awkward octopus
musclefish about to give a black squid a beatdown
a muscular fish threatens a squid with violence
bully shark about to wreck some squid's shit
A blue jellyfish protects its baby from a bowling dinosaur.
a dinosaur throwing a bowling bowl at a father squid and its squid daughter
Dinosaur on happy drugs goes bowling with his "jellyfish" friends.
A dinosaur and an octopus bowling while on some rx pills
A purple tentacle-beast with a dead orange Furby and a green spiked lizard with a dead blue Furby.
a purple evil devil octopus sun is the reason the dinosaurs and the orange and blue blobs are extinct
angry purple octopus declares war on dinos and blobs
octopus vs reptar with surprised blue ball watching
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!