Juicy burger and some fresh cut Idaho potato french fries with a Fresh Vanilla bean shake and the spread sheet for this weeks office report
tiny person sitting on a placemat at a fast food place between a shake, fries and a burger.
Wcdonalds (that's right, Wc) happy meal with a tiny human toy.
some fetish where you imagine yourself as a toy in a mcdonalds kids meal. dang
Animuu girl is happy to find a tiny man inside her Happy Meal. Looks like she'll be happy to take this prize home for a little "eating out".
reading the mcdonalds menu
obese artist draws and obese man wearing a Mcdonal's t-shirt
Fat man painting how he got fat; by working at MacDonalds
Girl haha. >:D
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!