piece of dog shit aka Modern Warfare 3
BF3 > MW3. MW3 is shit.
a raptor who doesn't give two shits what your favorite FPS is.
A red jagged question mark.
Divided with "?"
Math being attacked by angry polka dots
Angry gumballs descend from the heavens to destroy basic arithmetic
Happy sheet which says "2+2" running away from 3 pink angry flying balls
sasage links doing math like (2+2) and the paper that has 2+2 on it has a face
Institutionalized racism.
Low tolerance level.
a dude who's been around too many bronies.
Someone who hates ponies, relax bro, ponies are okay (except the pink cunt) the only problem is the bronies.
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!