A moose reads his newspaper while sitting on his rocking chair at the fireplace while a head of a man is mounted above the fireplace.
LOL..cute drawing of a moose reading by a cozy fireplace, over which is mounted a man's head.
a girl was ripped by the moose
A lady begs a moose for her life.
A moose stands over a blonde woman as she begs for mercy. She says "Mr. Moose, please not like this. Not like this." He considers her pleas.
Mr Moose is a sex offender, unwittingly violating a poor naked woman with his antlers as she begs him to stop through text language.
reindeer seducing naked women
A reindeer struttin' his stuff to a butt naked lady. Speaking of butts, DAT ASS.
a horney moose and a Coat girl
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!