In room
  1. 1

    Which merc likes cheesecake the most?

  2. 2
    Doodle or Die
  3. 3

    Which Merc likes cheesecake the most?

  4. 4
  5. 5

    which merc likes cheesecake the most? (pio?)

  6. 6
    Doodle or Die
  7. 7

    Which merc likes cheesecake the most? It's probably Scout.

  8. 8
  9. 9

    scout freakin loves cheesecake! dont we all! :D

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
  11. 11

    scout eats cheese cakes and he actually make the entire team looking at him secretly trough the door.

  12. 12
    Doodle or Die
  13. 13

    Scout eats the entire cake, in front of the team. They can only watch this happen.

  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15

    scout sticking an entire cake in his mouth

  16. 16
    Doodle or Die
  17. 17

    scout attempting to swallow a foot long whole

  18. 18

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 7 years ago


  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    Oh hey btw guys in one of my many journeys to the far depths of this room, I discovered an intriguing fact: a huge number of people in this room have never completed a single chain in it. So I took a couple hours and discovered that of the 2,728 people currently in this room, about 1,030 of them (give or take ten I was too lazy to check my counting) have never contributed a single step
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    This means that more than 1/3 of the people (about 38%) of the people in this room are basically afk
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Another thing, the person who has the most steps in this room is Amethyst, with a whopping 4100. In second is Munch with 3558, then PonyCat close behind with 3512. After that we have Rainfall with 1850, Th0n3s with 1573, Fang with 1473, Nyan with 1372, Cinna with 1142, HeavyWeaponsGuy with 1131, Canned with 1012, and finally we have Deathwood with *sigh* 999 steps.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    I know obviously it's about quality and not quantity of work, but I still think this is interesting information anyway. A little intimidating, yes, but still cool.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    (Yes I know it's not a competition pls don't be mad)
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    Wow neat, how did you find these numbers?
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Oh well I just wasted three hours providing everyone with soon-to-be-outdated information that no one asked for and now it's 2:30 am so I'm going to sleep now :)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    I found them by looking at the list of everyone in the room and writing a tally for everyone that had 0 steps
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    Wowza. That's dedication, and pretty cool numbers. (there's a list of everyone in the room? :O)
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    I did a similar thing for myself a while back, to tally how many times I've wound up drawing each merc (and a few other things). It's pretty interesting stuff, if you ever want to do that with your drawings.
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    I wonder, is there a way to see every doodle that's ever been doodled in the room? If there's a way I could see eEeEveryone's drawings, then I could tally up grand totals for the room to see who's the most popular merc and what the most common themes are.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    I did that once when I had like 40 steps, and it was pretty fun, but I think I can guess which character is my most drawn... (ps it's Medic) Also yeah the list of everone is if you click on the TF2 room button in the top of every chain, the explore room button when you're playing, or the TF2 tag at the bottom right corner of every drawing you made in this room, you get to the room page. Then from there click that button that says "2728 Members" or something like that. Bablamo. You have the stats of every person in this room.
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago (edited: 7 years ago)
    wow, you guys like a "science side" of this room!
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    @ casually and @ fang, you both had good ideas/gave good info.. i might have to tally how many times i've drawn each merc, too. as far as i know, there's no way to view ALL the doodles of a room.. but you CAN filter a person's profile to view only a specific group
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Yeah but do you know how long that would take? Probably a few hours at least, because we would have to count by hand how many drawings so we wouldn't be including descriptions.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Still, it's not impossible, just a pain in the butt
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    i'm more than willing to spend a couple of hours to walk through all my doodles and take notes (i think the main reason my like/step ratio is what it is is because of how many descriptions i've made, and i'd like to see that as well). a pain in the butt i am WILLING TO ENDURE
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    also, casually, i know you're still here but i still kind of miss you in some ways lol. glad to chat with you in the comments again
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago (edited: 7 years ago)
    Honestly, I miss you guys too. I think I never really stopped loving playing, but my computer died and the laptop that I'm using now just isn't the same. If you want, I could do one more step, just for old times sake, but it's not gonna be in my old style until Christmas when I buy a new one.
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    OHH.. that's what happened? good to know. .. i guess maybe i looked at your profile and my eyes glazed over your description? what in the world @ me? and honestly, don't do another step if it's too hard at the moment or anything like that. hope you can get your computer situation dealt with n stuff!
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Hoooooooly shit I haven't looked at your drawings in forever but they got so GOOD! Keep it up buddy! Honestly I might try to play some more, even if it's just writing descriptions, if only to kill some of the recent chainbreaking
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    That one with the doctor assisted homo that was just (ok hand emoji) that was just good stuff man
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    yeah, we've had problems with chainbreaking. but what's new? there's just always gonna be chainbreakers.. it never ends. you're welcome to try and combat it, lol. || and hey, thanks for the compliments! i think i've improved at least a little bit (? you can never really tell because it depends on how much effort was put into each step..) like you see that pyro i drew ? i just gave up on the other details i PLANNED On adding because it already took so long. i couldn't possibly do that for every one of my drawings like you do with yours - it took me 2 or more hours and my hands were HURTING afterwards.. (and quantity > quality in my eyes here, for the most part.. not that quality isn't absolutely stunning. it;s just not something i want to do all the time x_X)
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    for the doctor assisted homo one... GREAT idea, but my execution wasn't perfect, lol. it's definitely not the best drawing i've ever made - could have been better (i struggled with it and gave up a little) let's just say that step was... cough... rather gay, to put it mildly
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  • fang11803   7 years ago
    I'm still here but I haven't had the energy to play for a while. That plus all the chain breakers has made me hesitant to start up again until I'm feeling better.
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    i'll be waiting for the days when you guys start drawing again... i see that i still get notifs in my activity from you sometimes , fang, so i've known you were still here . ;D definitely hope you start feeling better soon - having no energy/feeling bad really sucks.
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    I don't know if that's the sweetest or the saddest thing I've heard all day, but I appreciate it. Now I just have this image of that one drawing you made of yourself patiently waiting by your the computer with your cursor on the refresh button :'( Thanks for keeping our seats warm for us buddy!
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago (edited: 7 years ago)
    pfff. well, now that you put it THAT way... yeah, it sounds pretty sad, heheh. some people might just consider me a sad person xd but seeing people active on doodleordie makes me happy. how can i resist checking occasionally, even if im not always feeling up to drawing? getting notifications is one of the best parts of being on this site. and NO PROBLEM, SOLDIER!! i will warm your seats til my OWN butt gets cold (P.S. just saying, NONE of you are under any obligation to stay here FOREVER and ALWAYS doodle if you don't want to. please don't interpret what i'm saying like that - you're all free to do whatever the flip you want. i just want to say i appreciate yall sharing doodles and time with me. Not meant to be a guilt trip.)
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    Also, i'm a weirdo with no brain-to-mouth filter , sorry to anyone who i accidentally creep out
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    You do not creep me out at all, I love your comments! Your grammar though...
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Jk I'm kidding, I love that I can basically hear exactly how you sound through your weird-ass typing :p
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Also p.s. check my newest drawing ;)))))))))))))
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    well.. as it's hard to express tone through text, you gotta use what you have to try and convey how you want to sound.. my grammar can range from Great to Atrocious. i'm also guilty of shoving multiple messages into one (makes what i say often sound haphazard and thrown-together... because it is) - i feel kind of guilty for giving everyone so many notifications.
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago (edited: 7 years ago)
    oh my god, you twerp. that's my drawing! (old joke indeed..)
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    Not gonna lie, seeing that made me laugh
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    I'm pretty sure I had several strokes during my attempts to steal your art
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Your LINES!!!!!! WHY DON'T THEY CONNECT?!!?!??!???!
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Plus, mind you, I did draw that with a laptop mouse so (shrug face bc DoD is weird about text faces)
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  • howdyhowdy   7 years ago
    so this is why i have a million comment notifications lol
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    oh, my lines. they don't connect because i tend to draw sketchy, general shapes. i have a hard time drawing in long, smooth lines because my tablet will make them all wobbly WITHOUT FAIL. you can see unconnected lines in most of my sketches/sketchy drawings.. it's just how i draw? i have no freakin clue how you always draw with perfectly connected lines... too much of a pain for me to do that
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    yes, sorry howdy, we like to talk.. a LOT
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    hey, good job doing that with a mouse (by laptop mouse, do you mean the finger trackpad thing? if so.. DANG.) .. my first ever doodle on this site was with a mouse, and i gave up because it made my hand hurt and was too hard
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   7 years ago
    Yeah rip sorry Howdy, Dod doesn't have a dm feature so every chain in the TF2 room is destroyed by the ol' churu-casually deadly duo
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    and they were chatty. oh my god, they were chatty.
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  • howdyhowdy   7 years ago
    its quite alright. its all good fun reading them.
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    how comments make me feel:
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  • Churupappa   7 years ago
    @ casually you redrawing my step from that chain makes it TWO steps from that chain copied, lol. ironic? who knows
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