A cow trying to speak french.
Manga kitty is asking if you do speak french and it's actually talking in french.
french speaking cat
A french cat wants to do unspeakabe things to your mouth.
Happy cat in france just before hitler invades
cat drinkin wine in paris meanwhile hitlers crying
english cat in paris drinking wine thinks of adolf hitler who is saf because he can't spend time with her
01001000 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01111000
hot futanari cyborg sex
poorly drawn sex scene
A couple being abducted by aliens. Aliens don't approve of PDA apparently.
Gay Green Lantern and a blue pile of shit
green lantern take a blue dump
White is trying to talk with black
weird squares can't communicate
Foreigner in USA#1
A viking is crying in the big city
Some elf creature with a shield and spear cries out "I'm Lost, HEEEEEELP" in a new city.
Earth as the last planet in the solar system
sun moon and earth are laughing out loud because pluto isnt a planet anymore
The earth, the moon and the sun are enjoying a moment of laughter
Planets laughing
Earth being a dick to Mars
earth saying "hey chump" to mars who is crying
Pluto getting bullied by earth, cause its boss
The Earth, which no longer has grass on it and is probably only inhabited by aquatic lifeforms, bullies Mercury. Mercury did nothing wrong.
Very terrible Polandball comic, made on 4chan as opposed to a better Chan whoms location I cannot reveal at this time.
ninja turtle back pack spin
ninja turtle f yeah
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!