A big dog!
A massive maroon exclamation mark heralds a giant butt about to crush two stickmen.
two people scared by a huge exclamation mark
Two guards just discovered Snake.
Two best buddies blowing noses
sneezing blood
Uhh.... lets just say I had a violent convulsion and blood came out. Lets never speak of this again.
And I lay there, while blood flows from my mouth. Thinking this is the last of my exsistance.
man taking a shit all over the bottom right corner of the screen.
mr. nose finally takes a shit
pierce the heavens or something
A yellow and blue blob wants a tongue piercing.
A blue blob with yellow spots asks it's mom if it can get a tongue piercing. He gets denied.
Sick, blue snowman can't get his tongue pierced
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!