A police kiosk floating around in earths immediate orbit.
Tardis orbiting the Earth
The TARDIS is hurled INTO SPACE.
A brain dead blonde is giving a blow job to a cyborg human-dog
There are too many potatoes drawn in this site=[
4 brown circle talking.
Four African Americans sit down for a nice chat of 'blah'.
Happily, a man vomits in his unimpressed friend's general direction as people look on indifferently.
people do not attend to man projectile vomiting on his life partner
guy puking on other guy
two cars engaging in sicknasty procreation
Woman Drivers.
A man laughs at a car accident.
A blue and green car are involved in a fatal crash, annoying guy shouts "HaHa" at them from across the street
Colorful diapers collide, amusing an onlooker.
A Man watching diseased croutons having sex
A pink, tall, blue teethed man tries to steal two gigantic crouton
Man with bad skin and awesome blue 'tache rips open the orange packet near the world's shortest shack and midgets
A pink cartoon looks you in the eye closeup
Man is intrigued
apparently a dracula face is now a poker face po po po po po po po poker face
Gaga is a vampire, SHIT Y'ALL
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!