In room
  1. 1
    Ghost Player
  2. 2

    Well you don't have to, you know.

    Ghost Player
  3. 3
  4. 4


  5. 5
  6. 6

    arm = sin(arcsin(cos x)*3)-1

    Ghost Player
  7. 7
    Doodle or Die
  8. 8

    Personified colliers

  9. 9
  10. 10

    Off was an ok game. Good music. Too bad these look nothing like any of the characters.

  11. 11
  12. 12

    What ever happened to the OFF fandom? I guess they must have... TURNED OFF. hahaha

  13. 13
    Doodle or Die
  14. 14

    Punchline drop.

  15. 15
    Doodle or Die
  16. 16

    Prisoner 24601 just stole one fucking fat loaf whore and now look at this crippling depression he has from his dead bedroom. Poor guy.

  17. 17
    Doodle or Die
  18. 18

    You kind of got taller with boobs yay

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 10 years ago


  • Skullyton   10 years ago
    Oh so the whole "Laugh track" thing and being rude to me is acceptable then to you i guess,because that is such an adult thing for you to do to a 14 year old. For one i never posted triggering things,instead you have been and saying stupid ass shit that is just wrong in general about me.
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  • Skullyton   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    Oh and i guess drawing things to mock me and then mocking me even more later on with comments and descriptions is mature and acceptable too,and it wasn't a tantrum,i was having a fucking panic attack,and you decided to laugh at me even more for that and say i was lying and telling me to cry more. Real mature and acceptable.
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  • phantomthelabrat   10 years ago
    Don't take shit so seriously, d00d. Learn that I'm not worth your time, move on from it, and ignore me. That's a valuable lesson to learn.
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  • Skullyton   10 years ago
    How can i fucking ignore you if there is no ignore button,and if you constantly show up into my conversations for no damn reason besides to piss me off.
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  • phantomthelabrat   10 years ago
    Learn how. It'll help you in the long run.
    Editing your comment:
  • phantomthelabrat   10 years ago
    Throwing fits over shit is only going to make shit worse for you. Apologize for posting triggering subject matter, move on.
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  • Ghost Player    10 years ago
    Ok I said I was gonna stay out of this and I thought it was going to go away, but now I am just too curious about the situation. Phantom, did Froogy actually post something that triggered you? As in, you had an actual panic attack. Please don't either of you say anything else I just want to know a yes or no to that one question.
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  • Skullyton   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    Ok but i gotta say something to Phantom, and that is, do you even know what a panic attack is? It isn't a fit at all,a panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. Your heart pounds and you can’t breathe. You may even feel like you’re dying or going crazy,you made fun of ME for having one,and even said i should go cry more,then made insulting descriptions drawings towards me,and you should be the one apologizing for triggering subjects,all towards me FOR NO REASON AT ALL,if you want me to ignore you then stop jumping into shit that you weren't even in and doing other rude things like that. (sorry Fralea,i had to get that off my shoulders since Phantom can't understand what panic attacks are,how not to be rude,and not jump into things they weren't in.) But yeah Phantom please fuck the hell off,i've already established that i don't like you and that i have no reason to be apologizing for having a black and white character,or anything because i haven't done shit to you mentally or physically in real life.
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  • phantomthelabrat   10 years ago
    Yeah, I'm not touching this any more.
    Editing your comment:
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