1. 1

    Im tempted to make an EFR tier list, Please comment your thoughts below & draw yourself at a table with PlayerZ discussing important matters

  2. 2
    Ghost Player
  3. 3

    Im considering making an EFR tier list, Please comment your thoughts below & draw yourself at a table with Zed discussing important matters.

  4. 4
  5. 5

    draw yourself at a table talking to zed about important matters

  6. 6
  7. 7

    2 beings at a table, one is masked and wears pink the other is clad in a black hood. The pink one sits at the table while the other stands.

  8. 8
  9. 9

    a monochrome visit on a monochrome house

  10. 10
  11. 11

    pretty colouring

  12. 12
  13. 13

    sweeny todd is now a doodler?

    Ghost Player
  14. 14
  15. 15

    who dat

  16. 16
  17. 17

    who dat bounty bounty booty chain breaking counesour

  18. 18

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 5 years ago


  • Joe42069   5 years ago
    So what's the tier list going to be judged on? Style? Origanality? Detail? Number of OCs? Mcdonalds Triangle?
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  • PlayerZed   5 years ago (edited: 5 years ago)
    Just for fun, overall "quality" nothing to take too seriously. Based on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVh6EkYwIGU
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  • Qazhax   5 years ago (edited: 5 years ago)
    I don't think that's really the best idea if it just ranks real people by overall "quality", but if everyone is super seriously (like conspiracy theory serious seriously) analyzed in detail based on random metrics that are not very serious, e.g. [speed/doodles per minute (dpm), humour, actively taking part in efr, improvement over time, amount of black and white drawings, helpfulness, who'd win in a milk drinking contest, longest replays, fastest likes, likebombs, lineart, shading, colours, memes, anatomy, backgrounds, edginess, everything joe said], it could be funnier than just listing who draws the "best". Ranking people by ability only might also discourage the less experienced doodlers so I think it would be important to also encourage them by noting their strengths. idk, just my thoughts, I'm not even sure if I'm like an accepted member here... e_e;; Main point I'm trying to say is that "quality" alone is too boring and easily seen by everyone, so the analysis should go beyond that to be interesting. The less predictable the tiers are the better.
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  • Joe42069   5 years ago
    I totally agree with every thing you just said, and you're a member here! We just don't really draw you because we don't know what OC to base you off of.
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  • Qazhax   5 years ago (edited: 5 years ago)
    I'm the long hair and black clothes char. Ohh right, I thought I'd drawn myself recently but that new year's drawing that had me in it got eaten by the rolling skull plague so it's not here. Anyways I also finally figured out how to make the avatar easily recognisable in lower res by adding a black triangle hairpin but haven't gotten around to drawing the new design yet..
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  • PlayerZed   5 years ago (edited: 5 years ago)
    Qazhax, you're in the bottom of the Z tier for shooting down my idea first.
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  • Qazhax   5 years ago
    Everything's coming up according to keikaku
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  • urmom69   5 years ago
    haha got too vague, sorry
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  • Niffry   5 years ago (edited: 5 years ago)
    Don't worry, that description is pretty funny tbh
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  • Dragatile   5 years ago (edited: 5 years ago)
    Alright the tier list is out: 1. PlayerZed 2. PlayerZed 3. PlayerZed 4. Niffry 5. Urmom69 6. Qazhax 7. Everyone Else 8. Dragatile 9. Diishii. Noteworthy qualities: Zed, for most black and white drawings, and Niffry, for second most black and white drawings.
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  • PlayerZed   5 years ago
    This is inaccurate information, Lane should be on the list lol
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  • Avian_Wolf   5 years ago
    1.PlayerZed 2.TGIBADTY 3.PlayerZed 4.PlayerZed 5.TGIBADTY 6.Niffry 7.Diishii 8.Urmom69 9.Dragatile 10.Everyone else
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  • Ghost Player    5 years ago
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  • AsexualSucy   5 years ago
    this list is still inaccurate! I would obviously be #11 after everyone else =P
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  • Ghost Player    5 years ago
    Nein! I'd be #11.
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  • Bountybooty   5 years ago
    omg i nearly choked when i saw this, man spot on soldaku, love it
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  • Soldaku   5 years ago
    It was fun to draw too! Glad you liked it :D
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