In room
  1. 1
  2. 2

    People being butthurt at Mass Defect's shitty ending

    Ghost Player
  3. 3
  4. 4

    another satisfied Bioware customer.

  5. 5
  6. 6

    Mass Effect 3, now with gay sex. Apparently.

  7. 7
  8. 8

    President Madagascar raping a shepherd

  9. 9
  10. 10


    Ghost Player
  11. 11
  12. 12

    Thanks doctor, I was needing my daily dose.

  13. 13
  14. 14

    Anti-literacy medicine.

  15. 15
  16. 16

    A pill bottle labeled "bioware story telling"

    Ghost Player
  17. 17
    Ghost Player
  18. 18

    Bottle of radio active goo

  19. 19
    Ghost Player
  20. 20

    A glass of delicious radioactive slime.

  21. 21
  22. 22


  23. 23
  24. 24

    An opened bottle of Nuka-Cola

    Ghost Player
  25. 25
  26. 26

    A bottle of Nuka Cola....

  27. 27
  28. 28

    the condom broke

  29. 29
  30. 30

    Oh no, the condom broke now the women is pregnant!

  31. 31
  32. 32

    A bald, muscular man investigates abortion instruments.

  33. 33
  34. 34

    a fucking pancake molests half the population of uganda

  35. 35
  36. 36

    HORNY 2012

  37. 37
  38. 38

    Mayan Apocalypse Finger

  39. 39
  40. 40

    2012 Aw. shit

  41. 41
  42. 42

    SHIT IT'S 2012

    Ghost Player
  43. 43
  44. 44


  45. 45
  46. 46

    earth explodes, universe don't give a fuck

  47. 47
  48. 48

    The entire solar system in syzygy, at least it would be if the Earth weren't exploding.

  49. 49
  50. 50

    These are but wild wild and whirling words

  51. 51
  52. 52

    Wild and Whirling

  53. 53
  54. 54

    wind .

    Ghost Player
  55. 55
  56. 56

    some chinese simbol...fuck i wish i knew chinese... confused steriotypical white teenager

  57. 57
  58. 58

    Limbo boy and something to do with chinese

  59. 59
  60. 60

    A dragon has Russia in it's mouth.

  61. 61
  62. 62

    a very clever political cartoon depicting the modern stat of the anime industry

    Ghost Player
  63. 63
  64. 64

    Two Japanese otakues

  65. 65
    Ghost Player
  66. 66

    cucumber with pink sprinkles

  67. 67
  68. 68

    Knife slicing through cucumber.

  69. 69
    Ghost Player
  70. 70

    a green pepper does not wish to be chopped into small pieces

  71. 71
  72. 72

    A hot pepper gets chased down by a kitchen knife.

  73. 73
  74. 74

    knife chasing a chili

  75. 75
    Ghost Player
  76. 76

    A angry husband knife about to beat his cheating pasta wife.

  77. 77
    Ghost Player
  78. 78

    Spaghetti running away from knife with fear.

  79. 79
  80. 80

    Knife is going to murder a spaghetti in denial

  81. 81
  82. 82

    A knife has a fight with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs

  83. 83
  84. 84

    A knife goes to war with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

  85. 85
  86. 86

    Spaghetti sauce is about to get run through by a steak knife, who is yelling "Chaaarge!"

  87. 87
  88. 88

    Mouse running through blood s reaming charge.

  89. 89
    Ghost Player
  90. 90

    A hieroglyphic cat says something in a strange, foreign tongue. It stands in a red stream of some sort.

  91. 91
  92. 92

    Do a barrell roll in Japanese

  93. 93
  94. 94

    huge white nerd translates shitty meme into japanese

  95. 95
  96. 96

    a man carrying a huge coin is going to attempt to put it into a obviously too small old fashioned cash register . Also some words floating!!

  97. 97
  98. 98

    A man buying a horse, much to the other man's displeasure

  99. 99
  100. 100

    a horse with no facial features watches intently as a happy stick figure passes a sing green money note to an unhappy figure, to his right.

  101. 101
  102. 102

    make money with neigh and life sounds better

  103. 103
  104. 104

    A friendly neighbor offers you a penguin as a housewarming gift!

    Ghost Player
  105. 105
    Chain Breaker
  106. 106

    Mister Ando of the woods jsut saved his friends from a bunch of vandalising teenagers

  107. 107
    Ghost Player
  108. 108

    Beeman defending his only friends.

  109. 109
  110. 110

    Bee-Man punches Potato-Man so hard that a lightbulb comes out of his nose.

  111. 111
    Ghost Player
  112. 112

    BumbleBee vs. Mr. Potato Head

  113. 113
  114. 114

    Bumble bee and potato head get ready to rumble

    Ghost Player
  115. 115
    Ghost Player
  116. 116

    A bee has annoyed a potato, but is yet unaware of the incident.

  117. 117
  118. 118

    bee pees on an angry bear

  119. 119
  120. 120

    its a bee peeing on a bears head.

    Ghost Player
  121. 121
  122. 122

    a bear is attacked by the bees

  123. 123
  124. 124

    A giant bear afraid of many vasps

  125. 125
  126. 126

    The Bearstine Bears after being evicted from their house and forced to live in the protected woodlands.

  127. 127
  128. 128

    wat im i doin!!!!

  129. 129
  130. 130

    The average Facebook user

    Ghost Player
  131. 131
  132. 132

    computers are taking over the world

  133. 133
  134. 134

    Anthrophomorphic laptop playing with a mini-earth on a string like a yo-yo.

  135. 135
  136. 136

    A happy computer falling back to earth

  137. 137
    Ghost Player
  138. 138

    blatst foff

  139. 139
  140. 140

    space ship taking off into SPAAAAAAAAACE

  141. 141
    Ghost Player
  142. 142

    A space ship going in to space.

    Ghost Player
  143. 143
  144. 144

    A spaceship

  145. 145
  146. 146

    An alien leaving Earth after realising you live on it. YEAH YOU MADE HIM LEAVE

  147. 147
  148. 148

    A big, beefy ogre warrior cries quiet, disbelieving tears-cursed so every meal he eats, he loses muscle & fat, until he's a spindly weakling

  149. 149
  150. 150

    my time here is ogre

    Ghost Player
  151. 151
    Ghost Player
  152. 152

    Shrek snarling!

  153. 153
  154. 154

    Angry shrek

    Ghost Player
  155. 155
  156. 156

    fuck you i am a martian

    Ghost Player
  157. 157
    Chain Breaker
  158. 158

    rev up those fryers, cause i am sure hungry for some HELP HELP MY LEG

  159. 159
  160. 160

    Retarded Spongebob

  161. 161
    Ghost Player
  162. 162


  163. 163
    Chain Breaker
  164. 164

    Gurren Lagan. GO GO GO GO.

  165. 165
  166. 166

    A colorful man raises his arms up and screams, "YES!!"

  167. 167
    Ghost Player
  168. 168

    Happy negro clown

    Ghost Player
  169. 169
    Ghost Player
  170. 170

    Black clown looking at a watermelon that's smaller than his nose.

  171. 171
  172. 172

    watermelon featuring in BackDoor Sluts 9

    Ghost Player
  173. 173
  174. 174

    a super descriptive watermelon.

  175. 175
  176. 176


  177. 177
    Ghost Player
  178. 178

    doctors are not green!

  179. 179
  180. 180

    Black man is not equal to green circle.

  181. 181
  182. 182

    A man is not a green blob

  183. 183
    Ghost Player
  184. 184

    No aliens allowed.

    Ghost Player
  185. 185
  186. 186

    Aliens not allowed :<

  187. 187
  188. 188

    no ghosts with blue moustaches allowed!

  189. 189
  190. 190

    A ghost that hates another ghost.

  191. 191
  192. 192

    sad things from pacman mourning their eaten friend

  193. 193
    Ghost Player
  194. 194

    Pac man saying lol while running away from three ghosts, orange, red and blue, who are crying, one of which has a chomp in his brains

  195. 195
  196. 196

    Pac-man laughs at the miseries of Inky, Blinky, and Clyde. Pinky appears to have been eaten.

  197. 197
    Ghost Player
  198. 198

    pac-man looking at balls

  199. 199
  200. 200

    Pac man staring at a hairy ass

  201. 201
  202. 202

    Pacman chasing squiggly lines

    Ghost Player
  203. 203
  204. 204

    hungry son sweating out of her mouth

  205. 205
  206. 206

    a big shit ninja

    Ghost Player
  207. 207
  208. 208

    The birth of a shitman

    Ghost Player
  209. 209
  210. 210

    Man is devoured by poo.

  211. 211
  212. 212

    a man is tempting fate by putting his head in a monster mouth. Don't try this at home kids, he is a fictional character and can't be hurt.

  213. 213
  214. 214

    Godzilla eats a man

  215. 215
  216. 216

    Orange unicorn

  217. 217
  218. 218

    charizard as a unicorn

  219. 219
    Ghost Player
  220. 220

    an orange horse on fire

  221. 221
  222. 222

    A horse dog? Hotdog? Punny? Harhar

  223. 223
  224. 224

    hotdog with mustard. yuuum.

  225. 225
    Ghost Player
  226. 226

    Hot dog! With ketchup, mustard, poop, and black stuff..

  227. 227
  228. 228

    Hamburger too much burned

    Ghost Player
  229. 229
    Ghost Player
  230. 230

    the Rorschach test including a female latino dancer wearing a huge baseball cap

  231. 231
    Chain Breaker
  232. 232

    the hunger games

  233. 233
  234. 234

    Angry man looking at a carrot.

  235. 235
  236. 236

    boy is very angry at a carrot sitting on a table

  237. 237
  238. 238

    A man yelling a very aggresive carrot to get off the table

  239. 239
    Ghost Player
  240. 240

    yolo~~desu desu

  241. 241
  242. 242

    Captain magical anime girl informs the public of the dire danger they are in. Unfortunately, all her words come out as "desu desu".

  243. 243
  244. 244

    Someone screams "Desu Desu" at you. You are in terrible danger.

  245. 245
    Ghost Player
  246. 246

    A hypnotized bunny-eared boy with off-colored eyes saying "Desu Desu"

  247. 247
  248. 248

    A boy with bunny ears says some words and I dont know

    Ghost Player
  249. 249
  250. 250

    A man with a horrendous fake tan and massive drooping ears does not know the answer to something.

  251. 251
  252. 252

    confused elf is confused

  253. 253
  254. 254

    link being very confused

  255. 255
  256. 256

    Link is confused

  257. 257
  258. 258

    Link doesn't know how he got here

    Ghost Player
  259. 259
  260. 260

    Adult Link can figure out how to use a map. Navi isn't with him to help.

  261. 261
  262. 262

    treasure map

  263. 263
  264. 264

    a very well drawn treasure map. HU?

  265. 265
  266. 266

    A treasure map of Dragon Quest IX to reach the Grotto of Doom.

  267. 267
    Ghost Player
  268. 268

    An elongated blue face with batman-like ears is sad because of Estark. There is also a building falling towards it.

  269. 269
  270. 270

    A blue cat is worried that the Leaning Tower of Pisa will finally kneel over.

  271. 271
  272. 272

    A cute little blue cat screaming SOMEBODY FIX IT!

  273. 273
  274. 274

    Holy Shit? A speaking cat?

  275. 275
    Ghost Player
  276. 276

    A frog with a horn is laughing at the fact that he is getting struck by brown lightning

  277. 277
  278. 278

    A unicorn frog sitting on a lily pad laughs at himself in the mirror.

  279. 279
  280. 280

    an unicorn frog laughing at his mirror on a water lily

  281. 281
  282. 282

    One green alien pod laughs at another green alien pod through a gray straw

  283. 283
  284. 284


    Ghost Player
  285. 285
    Ghost Player
  286. 286

    E.T. (telephone)

  287. 287
    Ghost Player
  288. 288

    chameleon answering 1950's era phone

  289. 289
  290. 290

    A gameleon mages gallings :DDDDDDD

    Chain Breaker
  291. 291
  292. 292

    A muscular-body gangsta, with som weed on his head, says "Fo sho" He's called Thugzilla.

  293. 293
  294. 294


  295. 295
  296. 296

    Dont hit on me you silly boys!

    Ghost Player
  297. 297
  298. 298

    A black man doesn't like silly boys touching him.

  299. 299
  300. 300

    A citizen of Malmö tells two swedes not to touch him. Citizens legs are burned, but he does not care.

  301. 301
  302. 302

    The Artists Rendition of Ace Ventura: When Nature calls SHIKAKA!

  303. 303
  304. 304


  305. 305
    Chain Breaker
  306. 306

    black guy shooting a white guy w a blue gun. a yellow stick person on the ground with the word DEAD beside him also in yellow. red bkgrnd

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 12 years ago

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