1. 1

    Your OC is now genderbent

  2. 2
    Doodle or Die
  3. 3

    Gender end your oc! Pio!

  4. 4
    Doodle or Die
  5. 5

    Gender bend your oc pio

  6. 6
  7. 7

    "Genderbend your OC"

  8. 8
    Ghost Player
  9. 9

    Genderbend your OC! PIO!

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
  11. 11

    Your oc, genderbent

  12. 12
    Doodle or Die
  13. 13

    Of with it's opposite gender

  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15

    Your oc's gender has swapped

  16. 16
  17. 17

    Your oc's gender has been swapped! pio

  18. 18
    Doodle or Die

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 10 years ago


  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago
    ITT: nobody calling out the cissexism and transphobia in assuming only two gender choices, and erasing trans characters and headcanons by turning a cis person into... a cis person.
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago
    Calm down, Ives said before, cis characters are still okay to have. And I assume you can bend non-binary genders too, just shift then to the opposite end of the spectrum. Or maybe just skip the prompt if you don't like it...
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  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago
    "opposite" end... cis ppl i swear
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago
    Look I know how some non-binary genders work, thank you very much. Besides, genderbending changes one's birth sex, not their gender identity. So say someone is trans (ex. Born a girl but decides to be a boy.) You just change it so they were born a boy and whether or not you want to change their identity is up to you. Of course it won't work for genderfluid, pangender or agender OCs but that's why you have the option to skip too. You can still ALWAYS skip, even if your out of skips the game will switch you eventually.
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  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago
    you're not "born" as a gender that coincides with any sort of crotch characteristics. lrn more
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    I said Sex not gender. There's an obvious difference. Your Sex especially your birth sex, is something you can not change. You were either born with an XX or and XY chromosome and you can't change DNA. You can change you GENDER identity 'till you're blue in the face but my version of Genderbending is swapping that chromosome the character was born with. That's all. (And I'm sure calling it 'chromosome swapping' wouldn't be as catchy.)
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  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago
    men with two x chromosomes and women with y chromosomes exist, not even in a trans sense, but some cis people are literally born with a different amount of x and y chromosomes. get over yourself
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    No.. That's not how it works. Jeese are you just dense?
    Editing your comment:
  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    http://anthro.palomar.edu/abnormal/abnormal_5.htm http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16934-girl-with-y-chromosome-sheds-light-on-maleness.html IT APPEARS THAT YOUR DENSITY IS OVER 9000
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    Birth defect. None the less, your still not getting my point, your just taking us down a bunny trail to avoid the important topic at hand.
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  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    Mental disorders (like autism) are often birth defects too, if not genetic ones. Does that mean your opinion is invalid, too? (it's invalid anyways, but for different reasons, being that they're ignorant and unfounded.)<br />(also, this argument means nothing. you can stop responding anytime.)
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    Calm down there Peter Cottontail, we're still off topic. Aside from extremely rare cases involving birth defects, naturally, most people or either biologically born a boy, or a girl, and unless your character is an alien race or a sexless demigod, most of the time they CAN be genderbent. Whether it actually effects their gender identity or not is entirely up to you. And again I will say it. If you don't like the idea, YOU. CAN. SKIP. IT. So, have a nice day and never forget Rule 63.
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  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago
    The article states figures around 1/2000 for most of those disorders. There's 7 billion people on earth. I was like you once. I fell in love with an SJW and realized how abusive my MRA ex girlfriend was. I hope the same happens to you.
    Editing your comment:
  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago
    I don't know what or how something the same as that can happen to me, but... never forget Rule 63.
    Editing your comment:
  • VvargVvikernes   10 years ago
    I won't forget how transphobic it is thx :3
    Editing your comment:
  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago
    Rule 63
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  • GaspakALT   10 years ago (edited: 10 years ago)
    ..Well then.
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  • wwwayfarer   10 years ago
    what even happened can someone explain to me how gender swapping's transphobic
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  • IbbyWondrous   10 years ago
    I honestly don't know, but I've officially deduced that VvargVvikernes is completely irrational and overboard when it come to social justice and this is the last time I'm going to let myself get into a huge, stupid argument with them. I've stopped caring.
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  • PonyCat   10 years ago
    I had to do some mental gymnastics for this.
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