1.Every character you draw must be younger than 7yrs old. EXCEPTION: staff members. If you want to create staff OC contact moderator. (Me, i.e. DragonLabel, psychoCream or Cheeto)
2.Doodles take place in kindergarten ONLY, which is
>play room
>wrecked car in the field nearby
3.No lewd stuff, no swearing (we've got kids here!), no pedobearing.
4.Absolutely no scrimmage nor bullying, especially putting younger kids in fish tank. It's all about safety.
5.And you know what? Yeah, you guessed it. No chainbreaking.
.Now let's put some more rigor to the institution: from now on breaking any of the rules or other serious offense 'll make you recieve a report and warning, second warning results in expulsion from kindergarten (simply kick out of the room)